Following the meeting held on the 11 February with Rugby Borough Council, a number of volunteers from the village put themselves forward to create a subcommittee of Brinklow Parish Council to look at the benefits of creating a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
This subcommittee has met with Rugby Borough Council and having looked at available information is of the opinion that a NDP would give the village greater influence over future housing development.
A NDP cannot stop housing development, but can influence the type and design of houses that are built, protection of green spaces and local amenities etc.
The subcommittee are proposing to provide residents with information that explains what a NDP is and the opportunity to ask questions through organised drop in events. The development of the NDP is time consuming and will require the commitment of the village.
We are therefore proposing to organise a village referendum to ask whether you support investment of time and money in a NDP. Towards the middle of May, residents will receive information that explains the NDP and how to take part in the local referendum.